Cookies Childcare is committed to being your partner in your child’s early childhood experiences. In order to support us in this endeavor we have adopted the Creative Curriculum.
Our curriculum addresses the whole child and is designed around eight Essential Areas of Growth.
We understand that you are your child’s most important teacher. This is why we provide consistent communication with our parents. Using Creative Curriculum the curriculum is on that incorporates big ideas, varied and engaging activities, and a sense of community as a way to stimulate students, teachers and even families. Creative Curriculum includes developmentally appropriate goals and objectives for children within four main categories of interest: social/emotional, physical, cognitive and language.
- The social/emotional stages helps promote independence, self-confidence and self-control.
- The physical stage is intended to increase a child’s small and large motor skills.
- The cognitive stage is associated with thinking skills.
- The language stage deals with communication.
View: The Parent’s Guide to the Creative Curriculum®
View: Parent’s Guide for Infants Toddlers Twos
Eight Essential Areas Of Growth
Explorations with technology in an early childhood setting focuses on learning how to manipulate the technology, and does not replace hands-on learning with teacher and peers. Our curriculum uses technology to support what children are discovering about the world and how we communicate. The Essential Skills for Technology are based on standards developed by The International Society for Technology in Education and allow children to build a foundation for becoming technology-capable students in the future.
Reasoning is the ability to see relationships and problem solve. It is the core of the mathematical thought process. Young children should be given opportunities to develop these skills through hands-on activities that allow them to feel safe in taking risks and asking the question “What if…?” Our curriculum embraces the language and concepts of mathematics and helps children discover the inter-relatedness of objects and processes. The learning experiences our teachers design provide children with a foundational understanding of the concepts of number sense, patterns, measuring, and problem solving.
Young children are naturally curious; their favorite question is “Why?” We nurture this curiosity by providing learning opportunities for children to observe, record what they observe, make predictions, and ask more questions. Learning experiences based on essential Discovery skills in our curriculum allow children to create an understanding of how the world around them works.
Our curriculum develops children’s awareness of community beginning with small social systems, such as family and classroom, then expanding to communities, countries, and the world. As their learning experiences expand from their personal world to the larger world, children begin to develop an understanding of their role and responsibilities within these systems, allowing them to become responsible citizens who respect differences.
A child’s positive self awareness and personal skills aid in the development of self control, positive approaches to learning, and interpersonal problem solving. Our program provides an accepting and responsive environment that allows children to develop a strong sense of self and respect for others.
Creativity encompasses more than art and music. It is the ability to adapt and be flexible in thought, to problem solve, and to communicate through symbols, whether those symbols are visual or auditory. Our curriculum focuses on the process rather than the product. These experiences help children to better understand the world through their senses and provide them with the much-needed outlet for their emotions. In addition, these experiences help children to develop a sense of individuality and respect for each other’s work.
Children naturally use their bodies to explore their environment, whether we are observing the infant who gains an understanding of objects through mouthing them, or the three year old who develops his/her understanding of boundaries by lying down during circle time. Our curriculum understands this need for exploration and provides multiple opportunities to develop it, providing children with an environment where they can develop muscle control, balance, and coordination.
Explorations with technology in an early childhood setting focuses on learning how to manipulate the technology, and does not replace hands-on learning with teacher and peers. Our curriculum uses technology to support what children are discovering about the world and how we communicate. The Essential Skills for Technology are based on standards developed by The International Society for Technology in Education and allow children to build a foundation for becoming technology-capable students in the future.
Educational programs to enhance communication
These two programs are additions to our explorations curriculum
We get an early start communicating with your child by teaching basic signs with the infants and toddlers in our program. Signing enhances early language skills because children can engage in two-way conversations with their teachers, parents, and their peers at an earlier age.
Handwriting Without Tears is offered to children in Preschool, Pre-K and Kindergarten programs. This curriculum provides developmentally appropriate, multisensory tools and strategies for our classrooms. The program follows research that demonstrates children learn more effectively by actively doing, with materials that address all styles of learning.